Proposed National Interest Effort: Outcome Optimization Model for Washington Job Seekers

Focused on Employment Security Department (ESD)
July 4, 2024 by
Dr. José Javier Leal


Being an "Operations Research Specialist", with more than 25 years of work experience in the area of university education, research, analysis and project management for various institutions related to the administration or delivery of public services and policies, I wish to present to you an innovative and feasible proposal, of effort with national interest, to optimize data-driven solutions that lead to substantive improvement in the outcomes of care for job seekers in the state of Washington, through the Employment Security Department (ESD).

This project is based on the use of the "Phenocomplex Method", developed by me for the investigation and approach of highly complex social phenomena, reinforced with data analysis and artificial intelligence technologies. The main objective of this method is to evaluate labor programs, policies and services, existing or in the process of development and implementation, to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency. As an Industrial Engineer focused on operations research, with a PhD in Education Sciences, a Masters in Public Policy Management, extensive experience in research and data analysis, proficiency in the use of statistical and programming tools such as R, Python and SQL, among others, I am well positioned to carry out this effort and achieve with it a significant impact on the economic and social welfare of the community of the state of Washington, or any other who so wish to consider it.

In this context, it is interesting to note the statements made by Jerome Powell[1], Federal Reserve Chairman, who addressed the need for continued focus on employment in 2024, by stating "We will continue to keep a close eye on the labor market, making sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in this economic expansion," denoting the importance of full employment in the country's economic growth, for the U.S. government.

However, Janet Yellen[2], Secretary of the Treasury in 2023, showed concern about uneven unemployment rates. Noting, "While unemployment remains low, it is not evenly distributed, and there are pockets of high unemployment in certain communities." This highlights that even in periods of low unemployment, some sectors, or communities, must struggle and struggle more than others.



As a strategist in Public Policy Management, Operations Research and Data Science applied to social contexts, my efforts translate into an unwavering commitment to optimizing management strategies that transcend conventional boundaries. My disruptive approach focuses on driving efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability del Departamento de Seguridad del Empleo (ESD), sus planes y proyectos, as well as other U.S. government agencies deemed to be of interest, by radically reinventing public management. To do this, we will critically evaluate workforce, policy and service plans and programs in Washington, using the Phenocomplex Method, which allows us to integrate the Viable Systems Models (VSM), or Cybernetics, of Stafford Beer[3], and Van Manen's Hermeneutic Phenomenology, or Phenomenology of Praxis, and the[4], together with data analysis and artificial intelligence. The project will be developed in three main phases:

2.1.- Phase One: A comprehensive assessment of existing workforce programs, policies and services in Washington State will be conducted. This will involve the collection and analysis of data related to the effectiveness and efficiency of these programs, as well as the identification of areas for improvement. Data analysis techniques and viable systems models will be used to understand the complexity of employment systems and their impact on the workforce population. Viable systems, like all living organisms, require an equilibrium relationship with their environment. Beer emphasized that this equilibrium, also called the "Condition of Homeostasis", implies that it acts as a regulator of "variety", i.e., it cancels out variety from the environment, from the surroundings, while intensifying its own variety control. (Leal[5], 2009;2020)

In itself, the idea is to assume the social phenomenon, plan, program or group under study, among others, as a living entity that functions on the basis of a cyclical structure, whose components feed back to adapt to each situation of change, capable of modeling the organizational, institutional or collective aspect studied, The following figure represents an approximation of the approach to the functional structure of the organization, based on a cyclical structure, whose components feed back to adapt to each situation of change, capable of modeling the organizational, institutional or collective aspect studied, as well as its actors, in such a way that its total action can be understood, by disaggregating the functional structure into different levels, thus allowing to capture the "Macro Phenomenon" and its repercussion in a compound of small recursive "Micro Phenomena", which are easier to study and understand. The following figure represents an approximation of the model that is expected to be developed, taking into account only 3 of the services provided by the four main ESD Divisions, and the existing data on the Internet:   


I.- Operational subsystems

2.- Coordination among subsystems 

3.- Monitoring and information control

3*.- Audit of correct operation

4.- Self-perception mechanism regarding the future

5.- Policy maker and management system

Figure 1.- Simple Schematic Diagram of a Viable System Model for ESD
Source: Dr. José Javier Leal, 2024.


2.2.- Second phase: optimization strategies will be designed and implemented based on the findings of the initial assessment. This may involve restructuring existing programs, introducing new policies or services, or improving coordination between different government agencies and civil society organizations. Special attention will be paid to equity and inclusion, ensuring that proposed solutions benefit all job seekers, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

In this phase, the "Tangible Reality" of the beneficiaries and the staff of the department (ESD) will be addressed, as well as their "Felt Reality", ensuring that the research is developed from the perspective of the experience as it is lived by the key protagonists, or key informants. The research in this phase should focus on and have as its center, from beginning to end, the lived experience, avoiding focusing on how we conceptualize it, being of utmost importance to reflect on the essential aspects that characterize the phenomenon under study, describing it through the art of writing and rewriting.

This leads to the development of questioning, which will allow the development of a series of questions that will be used to expand and rewrite the anecdotes or experiences lived during the ESD operations, in subsequent conversational interviews, also known as phenomenological interviews, between those who develop the research and those involved, with which we try to verify the "fidelity" of the story to the experience lived by them and go deeper into it.

To conclude this phase, we will seek to interpret, by means of a reflective exercise, the lived experience gathered through the experiential material with the extensive set of data collected, mostly "Unstructured Data", applying a "Thematic Analysis", or "Macro-thematic Reflection", to detect those "sententious phrases" that seek to capture the fundamental meaning or importance of the resulting text, as a whole, in a holistic and sententious approach.    

In a next level, called "Microthematic Reflection", we will seek to "apply a selective or markup approach and the detailed or line-by-line approach to obtain a set of sentences that will "capture", so to speak, the essential meanings of the experience.

For these last two activities, basically the "R Programming Language" and "Natural Language Processing Techniques (NPL)" based on "Machine Learning" will be used, among others that are considered appropriate and necessary. The following is a graphical approximation of the process described above:

Figure 2.- Approximate Diagram of Phenomenological Development for the ESD
Source: Dr. José Javier Leal, 2024.


2.3.- The third phase: Finally, ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the implemented interventions will be conducted, based on the "emerging insights", the "key performance indicators" (KPIs) developed, and the Employment Security Department (ESD) objectives or targets. This will allow the impact of optimization strategies on job seeker outcomes to be measured and adjustments made as needed. This in itself would be a demonstration for the ESD, its plans and projects, of possessing its own capacity for "Autopoiesis", which according to Maturana is understood to mean [6] (1985), as a "social system", set up as a network with interactions established as a means for organizational conservation and for the co-drift of living beings. In addition, feedback mechanisms will be developed with key stakeholders, such as employers, workers and community organizations, to ensure that the improvement process is transparent and responsive to the changing needs of the working population.

All that has been said up to this point is in line with the expressions of nationally renowned institutions and personalities that point to the need to optimize management strategies in the public sector as a crucial element to ensure the efficient use of public resources. Thus, we find, as the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of the U.S. Government.[7].(2022), noted that, "...the optimization of management strategies is essential to ensure that public resources are used efficiently, effectively and accountably". In addition, implementing innovative management strategies can increase the quality of public services and improve citizen satisfaction.

Likewise, the efficiency and sustainability of government agencies are key to the success of public policies. According to the aforementioned government agency, (OMB, 2021)[8], "...government agencies must implement management strategies that maximize efficiency and long-term sustainability." In addition, implementing innovative management strategies can help reduce agencies' operating costs and increase their responsiveness to today's socio-economic challenges.

In summary, this effort will focus on identifying and addressing barriers faced by job seekers in Washington State using innovative data-driven methods and workable systems models. By optimizing workforce programs, policies and services, we will thereby not only improve individual job seeker outcomes, but also contribute to the sustainable economic and social development of the state and, ultimately, the country.



As the originator of the "Model Effort: Optimizing Outcomes for Job Seekers in Washington", I am pleased to submit an estimate in line with this proposal, describing the "estimated" methodology, timeline and budget, which will be adjusted upon accessing actual and updated data on the phenomenon, for the successful implementation of the project. I am confident that my experience and innovative approach make me the ideal candidate to lead this crucial effort for the ESD.


3.1.- Methodology

As noted above, the project will be developed in three main phases, each with its own objectives, activities and deliverables:

Phase 1: Comprehensive Evaluation (4 months)

Objective: Collect and analyze data on existing ESD programs, policies and services to understand their effectiveness and efficiency.


  • Primary and secondary data collection on ESD programs, policies and services.
  • Quantitative and qualitative data analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  • Mapping of workflows and processes of ESD programs and services.
  • Use of the Phenocomplex Method to understand the complexity of employment systems and their impact on the working population.
  • Focus on the "Homeostasis Condition" and the adaptation of employment systems as living organisms.
  • Interviews with key stakeholders, such as job seekers, employers, service providers and ESD staff.


  • Complete report with the results of the evaluation.
  • Database with all the information collected.
  • Workflow and process maps.
  • Executive summary with the main recommendations.

Phase 2: Design and Implementation of Optimization Strategies (8 months)

Objective: To design and implement optimization strategies based on the findings of the initial assessment.


  • Use of Hermeneutic Phenomenology to understand the lived experience of beneficiaries and ESD staff.
  • Development of optimization strategies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of ESD programs, policies and services.
  • Prioritization of optimization strategies based on their potential impact and feasibility.
  • Design of detailed plans for the implementation of optimization strategies.
  • Implementation of optimization strategies with the participation of key stakeholders. Focus on equity and inclusion, ensuring that all proposed solutions benefit all job seekers.
  • Restructuring of existing programs and improved coordination between government agencies.


  • Optimization strategies document.
  • Detailed implementation plans.
  • Monthly progress reports.
  • Final reports on strategy implementation.


Phase 3: Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation (12 months)

Objective: Monitor and evaluate the impact of optimization strategies on job seeker outcomes.


  • Establishment of key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the impact of optimization strategies.
  • Collection and analysis of monitoring data to assess progress toward achievement of objectives.
  • Demonstration of ESD's capacity for "Autopoiesis" and development of feedback mechanisms with key stakeholders..
  • Making adjustments to optimization strategies as needed.
  • Communication of monitoring and evaluation results to key stakeholders.


  • Monitoring and evaluation plan.
  • Quarterly monitoring and evaluation reports.
  • Final impact assessment report.
  • Recommendations for future improvements.


3.2.- Schedule

The project is estimated to have a total duration of 24 months, with the following tentative schedule:



Key Milestones

Phase 1: Comprehensive Evaluation

4 months

Full report with assessment results, database with collected information, workflow and process maps, executive summary with main recommendations.

Phase 2: Design and Implementation of Optimization Strategies

8 months

Optimization strategy document, detailed implementation plans, monthly progress reports, final reports on strategy implementation.

Phase 3: Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation

12 months

Monitoring and evaluation plan, quarterly monitoring and evaluation reports, final impact evaluation report, recommendations for future improvements.


3.3.- Estimated Budget

The estimated budget for the project is USD 1.5 million, which is broken down as follows:


Estimated Cost (USD)



Specialized consultancies


Data and analysis


Travel and lodging


Communications and dissemination


Other expenses





3.4.- Direct Beneficiaries
  • Washington Job Seekers: Will receive more efficient and effective employment services, which will improve their chances of finding quality employment.
  • Employment Security Department (ESD): You will gain improved tools and strategies for managing workforce programs, leading to greater efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  • Employment Security Department (ESD) staff: Will benefit from a more focused approach to user experience and process optimization, which could lead to a more manageable workload and higher job satisfaction.

3.5.- Indirect Beneficiaries:
  • Employers in Washington: They will be able to access a better qualified workforce better suited to their needs, which could lead to higher productivity and profitability.
  • Washington Community: Will experience a positive impact on economic and social well-being as unemployment is reduced and employment opportunities increase.
  • Federal government agencies: They will be able to observe and learn from innovative strategies implemented in Washington State, which could influence policy and program improvements at the national level.
  • Researchers and practitioners in related fields: They will have access to studies and results that could inform their own research and practice in similar areas of public policy and employment management.

These direct and indirect beneficiaries show the potentially significant impact that the proposed model could have on several key sectors and stakeholders within and outside the state of Washington.

This is in line with the statements issued by the former U.S. Secretary of Labor, who said., Martin J. Walsh[9] (2022), "Operations research plays a critical role in formulating effective labor policies and developing programs that respond to workers' needs," so applying sound, evidence-based research, as proposed in the current model, is essential to understanding labor market trends and developing solutions of national importance.



Since the beginning of my professional career, I have worked in the operations area, starting with the successful experience with "Electricidad de Caracas" where I was in charge of the Homologation of the "Maintenance Plans and Projects" requiring the development of the investigation and thorough study of the different equipment that made up the "Ricardo Zuloaga Thermoelectric Generation Complex", and its operability, this being one of the largest in Latin America. This task involved the development of exhaustive planning, cost, time, logistics and personnel control, establishing clear goals and defining the necessary steps to achieve them, achieving an 80% improvement in the effectiveness and optimization of the processes.

With the "Compañía Anónima De Administración y Fomento Eléctrico (CADAFE)" I was in charge of controlling the operations of the National Electric System of Western Venezuela for 10 years. A fundamental part of my activities was the efficient and effective application of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA), for the management and control of hydro and thermoelectric generation, electric load flows in interconnected transmission networks up to 765 KV and maintenance operations in real time. In addition, managing the large flows of variables involved in the process and their respective data, acquired through the SCADA system, I made calculations and short, medium and long term forecasts, which allowed me to make the most appropriate decisions day by day, in order to ensure the provision of a high quality and reliable electric service for the entire country, minimizing the time of failures and maximizing efficiency during the recovery of the system at 85% of the national average.

For the company COMASELI CA, I carried out the recovery of the "Barua-Motatán Deep Well Electrification Project", contracted by the state oil company PDVSA, which consisted in the construction of 34.5 Kv power lines and electrical substations, which supplied energy for the operation of oil well drilling rigs by different international companies. With this project they were losing millions of dollars due to the lack of experience of their personnel for the management of the project and its large size, in addition to the union, workers and community labor conflicts that arose on a daily basis. So my job was to recover the viability of the project, for this I conducted a thorough study of the situation and the different actors involved in the problem, which affected the operation of the project, managing to put together a viable comprehensive plan, where I involved in an unconventional way all the actors involved, with which we recovered the project, saving the company from the loss of other bids, millions of dollars, and the bankruptcy of the company.

As Professor, and Researcher, Head of the "Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Estado Trujillo" UPTT, I carried out the Design and Creation of the "Management Model for Venezuelan Public Universities" based on the application of the Systems of Viable Models (MSV), which was adopted as organizational structure for them at national level by the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education (MPPEU) from the year 2017, as stated in the Official Gazette of the Ministry (MPPEUCT, 2017) No. 6321, and; the Design and Creation, as co-author, of the "National Training Program for Risk Management and Disaster Management", using the Phenocomplex Method, to determine its impact on the capacity of communities to face natural disasters and to involve the different institutional actors in the free training of communities and students, focusing on achieving Self-Protection, preventive and active.

As an expert in Data Science and Phenomenology, I have developed multiple research, business and data analysis, for national and international clients, where I have applied my skills and experience in the use of statistical and programming tools with R Language, Python, SQL, SPSS, Excel and Tableau, among others, including the development of virtual consulting, and the publication of internationally refereed scientific articles.



As an Operations Research Specialist, I am committed to the success of this national effort to optimize data-driven solutions and improve job seeker outcomes in Washington. With my experience and skills, I will lead this project to contribute significantly to the economic and social well-being of the community and the national interest of the United States. I am convinced that the initiative I offer you will make a positive and lasting change in the lives of citizens, contribute to the success of the Employment Security Department (ESD), while strengthening America's position as a leader in innovative and equitable labor policies.

This model effort demonstrates my ability to lead an operations research and public policy management project with national impact. Through the Phenocomplex Method and innovative approaches, my project will not only improve individual outcomes for job seekers in Washington, but also contribute to the sustainable economic and social development of the state and the country as a whole.

I am confident that my experience, innovative approach and commitment to the success of the Employment Security Department make me the ideal candidate to lead this crucial project. I am also available to begin work immediately on this project and am committed to delivering high quality results in a timely manner and within budget.

I am confident that this detailed proposal demonstrates my ability to successfully execute the "Effort Model: Optimizing Outcomes for Job Seekers in Washington". I appreciate your time and consideration.

Dr. José Javier Leal Rivero

+58-412 1788778

Abril, 2024

[1] Powell, J. (2024, January 25th). Federal Open Market Committee press conference (FOMC)

 [2] Yellen,J. (2023, November 14th). Speech at the Brookings Institution

[3] Beer, S. (1979), Brain of the firm. Chichester. John Wiley & sons Ltda.

[4] Van Manen, M. (2014). Phenomenology of Practice. Meaning-Giving Methodos in Phenomenological Research and Writing, Walnut Creek (California), Left Coast Press.

[5] Leal, J. (2009). Viability of the Managerial Cybernetic Model for the Polytechnic University Institute of Trujillo State, Special Degree Work, Valera. Universidad Valle del Momboy.

[6] Maturana, H. (1985). Biology of social phenomena. Family therapy, 7,53–70

[7]U.S. Government Office of Management and Budget (OMB) (2022). Circular A-11: Budget preparation, presentation, and execution. Washington, D.C.

[8] Oficina de Gestión y Presupuesto (OMB) del Gobierno de EE. UU. (2021). Estrategia de Gestión Federal para la Responsabilidad y la Transparencia. Washington D.C.

[9] Walsh, M. J. (2022). Statement on the 2022 Operations Research Report. Washington D.C..