Should We Rethink the Possibility of AI Leaving Us Jobless?

August 26, 2024 by
Dr. José Javier Leal

Recently, Ricky Robinett shared a story in which his 8-year-old daughter managed to program a game without any prior programming knowledge, using an artificial intelligence tool. This story, while inspiring, raises a disturbing question: if a child can accomplish this without any technical training, what does it mean for the future of those who have spent years honing these skills?

This example becomes even more relevant when we consider recent statements by Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon, who in a LinkedIn post highlighted how the company had managed to reduce 79% of its programming staff thanks to the implementation of advanced AI. What used to require entire teams of engineers can now be accomplished with a few lines of machine-generated code. These events not only underscore the disruptive power of AI, but also force us to seriously rethink the possibility that this technology, in the hands of those who know how to harness it, will radically change the employment landscape.  

The Imminent Transformation

Advances in artificial intelligence are transforming industries at breakneck speed. The story of Robinett's daughter is just one example of how AI is democratizing skills that were once reserved for experts. If an 8-year-old can program a game, what's stopping AI from taking over more complex jobs?

What Andy Jassy shared about Amazon is a stark reminder that AI is not just a tool to make our tasks more efficient, but a driver of change that could put many out of work if we don't adapt. The question is no longer if AI will put us out of work, but when and how it will happen. And the most disturbing thing is that, in many cases, it will not be AI itself that will take our jobs, but those who know how to make the most of it.

The Dichotomy of Progress

Since the Industrial Revolution, technological progress has been an engine of human development, enabling unthinkable achievements. But like any significant advance, it has always come at a cost. In the case of AI, the cost could be job stability for millions of people.

It is easy to fall into the trap of seeing AI only as a threat, but we must rethink this reality. Is AI really a threat to our jobs, or is it an opportunity to evolve. If we choose to resist, we risk becoming obsolete. However, if we adopt a mindset of adaptation and continuous learning, we could find new opportunities in an increasingly automated world.

What's at Stake?

The fears surrounding AI are not unfounded. "There are real risks." The example of Amazon is a clear indication that entire sectors could be transformed or even eliminated. A report by consulting firm McKinsey estimates that as many as 375 million workers worldwide could be forced to change occupations by 2030 due to automation and AI.

But what if AI is also the key to solving some of humanity's greatest challenges? This technology has the potential to improve productivity, develop new industries and generate jobs that we cannot yet imagine. The paradox lies in the fact that the same technology that could put us out of work could also be our salvation.

Fear of the Unknown

Fear is a natural reaction to the unknown. Since time immemorial, we have feared what we do not understand, and AI, with its deep learning capabilities and apparent "intelligence," is fertile ground for anxiety. However, it is important to remember that AI is a human creation, a reflection of our aspirations and fears. It is not an independent entity operating with intentions of its own.

So why fear something we ourselves have created. The answer lies in the perception that AI could surpass us in intelligence and efficiency, leaving us out of the game. This fear is fueled by the idea that machines could get to do our job better than us, faster, cheaper and error-free.

Humanity at the Center

This is where we should pause and reconsider. AI may be powerful, but it is not human. It has no empathy, no conscience, no ability to feel or understand the emotional context of a situation. These are intrinsically human qualities, and it is precisely these qualities that we must preserve and value.

Instead of competing with AI in terms of efficiency or accuracy, we should focus our efforts on what makes us unique as human beings. Creativity, innovation, empathy and the ability to solve complex problems are skills that machines cannot replicate. Our value lies not in our ability to perform repetitive tasks, but in our ability to think, to create and to connect with others.

A Collaborative Future

Instead of seeing AI as a threat, we must begin to see it as a tool to improve our lives. A future in which humans and machines collaborate, rather than compete, is a win-win. This collaboration could allow us to achieve an unprecedented level of productivity and well-being.

But how do we achieve this? The key lies in education and lifelong learning. We must equip people with the skills they need to thrive in a world where AI plays a central role. This includes not only technical skills, but also soft skills such as creativity, communication and critical thinking.

Success Stories

There are already examples of how AI and humans can work together harmoniously. Technology, healthcare and finance companies are using AI to improve decision making, optimize processes and create more personalized products. These cases demonstrate that, with the right strategy, AI need not be a threat, but an opportunity for growth.

A notable example is the case of IBM Watson in the medical field. Watson has been able to analyze large amounts of medical data to help doctors diagnose rare diseases and develop personalized treatment plans. However, Watson does not replace doctors; instead, it acts as an assistant that empowers their skills and knowledge.

Time to Decide

We are at a critical point. We can choose to see AI as an enemy or as an ally. We can choose to resist change or to adapt and evolve. The decision we make will not only affect our working future, but also the direction in which our society will move forward.

It is essential that we start taking action today to prepare for tomorrow. This means investing in education, fostering innovation and promoting policies that support adaptation to technological change. We cannot allow fear to paralyze us. Instead, we must embrace change with the confidence that, as humans, we have always been capable of overcoming the greatest challenges.

In Conclusion: A Call to Action

The debate over whether AI will put us out of work is more than just a technological discussion. It is a deep reflection on what it means to be human in the age of automation. It is a call to rethink our relationship with technology and to take proactive steps to ensure that the future is one in which we can all thrive.

Are we willing to adapt, learn and evolve, or will we remain trapped in fear, watching technology advance while we lag behind? The choice is ours, and the time to act is now.

I invite you to reflect on this topic, share your thoughts and join the conversation about the future of work in a world dominated by AI. It's time to take control of our destiny, before AI does it for us. If you want to dive deeper into this topic or learn more about how to prepare for the future of work, feel free to subscribe to this blog, and my youtube channel, where you'll find resources, analysis and opportunities to take this conversation to a deeper level.

Finally, with this article I intend not only to inform, but also to inspire and mobilize. No matter who you are or what your level of knowledge is, this is an issue that affects us all. Share this article on your social networks, discuss it with your friends and colleagues, and together let's build a future where humans and machines work in harmony!

Dr. José Javier Leal Rivero

CEO - Quantum DBI Analytics