The Science Behind Creativity and its application in Business Analysis

January 26, 2024 by
Dr. José Javier Leal

Creativity is a key concept in the success of organizations, and has become a determining factor in strategic decision making. In fact, companies that foster creativity have higher productivity and profitability (Florida, 2002).

The Neuroscience of Creativity

Creativity is associated with the activation of different brain regions, in particular the prefrontal neocortex, which plays an important role in planning, decision making and inhibition of habitual responses, as pointed out by studies such as those of Brodmann, (1909) and Ramus et al., (2015). In addition, the activation of regions associated with emotion processing, such as the amygdala, appears to be key to the generation of original ideas (see in Brodmann, 1909; Silvia, 2008).

The Psychology of Creativity

Creativity is recognized as an ability closely linked to personality, social skills and personal motivations. For example, highly creative people tend to be curious, open to new experiences and tolerant of failure, as pointed out in a study by Sternberg (2006). In addition, creativity can be stimulated by external factors, such as diversity of opinions, freedom of expression and team collaboration.

Application of Creativity in Business Analysis

Creativity can be applied to business analysis in several ways, as proposed by some researchers, some of which are presented below:

- Generation of new ideas for products or services (Dodgson et al., 2006).

- Identification of market opportunities that others may have overlooked (McGahan, 2004).

- Development of innovative strategies to solve business problems (Mintzberg, 1994).

As a Reflection

Creativity is a skill that can be developed and applied in business analysis to achieve a competitive advantage. The combination of neuroscience and the psychology of creativity can help identify the conditions and strategies that promote the generation of original ideas.

On the other hand, to Foster Creativity in Business Analysis, it is recommended:

- Provide an environment that fosters creativity, with a culture that encourages risk, tolerance of failure and diversity of opinions.

- Identify the personalities and skills associated with creativity, and form interdisciplinary teams that share these characteristics.

- Apply brainstorming and other idea generation techniques to promote creativity in decision-making processes.

- Use analysis tools that facilitate the identification of market trends and opportunities that may not be obvious.

In summary, creativity is a key skill for business analysis in a dynamic and competitive environment. By developing and applying creativity, new ideas, strategies and market opportunities can be generated that will lead to better decision making and more efficient business processes. As we assume and develop within our customer service offerings.

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Eng. José Javier Leal Dr.