"Your Peace of Mind First... The Key to a Balanced Life!"

January 30, 2024 by
Dr. José Javier Leal

No doubt about it... As I just told a friend of mine who is almost family, and is going through a situation that is affecting him, as well as many Venezuelan compatriots, who should have migrated and left everything here: 

"ti...asíLife goes on...the world will keep on going around...with you, or without you...so don't hold on to anything and LET GO of the situations you can't control..."

Modern life is full of constant stress and demands, and for many, especially executives and employees of large companies, finding a balance between personal and professional life can be a challenge. 

However, prioritizing mental and emotional health is key to achieving a balanced and fulfilling life..

Without pretending to be a Self-Help Coaching, much less a Psychologist, or similar professional, I offer you some practical advice that I have reviewed throughout my personal and professional experience, many of which I still apply and have even adapted, giving me excellent results, to help you relieve stress and depression, as well as to improve your emotional wellbeing.:

Here are the top seven tips, in the order that "for me" they work, relieving stress and improving emotional wellness:

1- Learn to say "NO".   

2- Practice the "Pause".    

3- Practice Conscious Breathing.

4- Practice Meditation/Mindfulness.

5- Practice Self Empathy.

6- Practice the "Peace of Mind Card". 

7- Search for Meaning and Purpose.

Learn to say "NO": Learn to set boundaries and say "no" to things that are not important to you. This will help you focus on your priorities and reduce stress..

Disconnect from time to time and take a PAUSE: Technology and work can consume us. When you feel you are pushing your limits, stop and take a break. Disconnect from time to time, turn off your phone and enjoy activities that relax you, such as reading, listening to music or just take a walk, even go for a drink and chat somewhere with a stranger, such as a bar, cafe, or tavern, without expecting anything in return, without expecting anything more than a simple conversation on a topic totally unrelated to your situation or its context..

Practice Conscious Breathing: Conscious breathing is a simple and effective tool for reducing stress and improving sleep quality. Try the 4-7-8 technique: inhale slowly through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and exhale slowly through your mouth for 8 seconds..

In my particular case it works wonders for me, even when I just feel very exhausted and without energy, to practice the extended Wim Hof breathing technique, at the end I leave you a link to "My own version with Mantras and Juji Kiri", published on my youtube channel "Gatudemicos", which is too powerful... Try it and tell me please...¡

Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation is a technique that consists of concentrating on the present moment, without judgment or criticism. This technique helps to reduce anxiety and improve attention..

Practice Self Empathy: Treat yourself with kindness and affection, as you would a friend. Remember that we all make mistakes and that does not define your value as a person. WARNING, this is not about self-pity, feeling sorry and pity for ourselves, victimizing ourselves and blaming the rest of the world for what happens to us, nothing of the sort...

Practice the "Peace of Mind Card": Carry a card on which you write a positive mantra or phrase that helps you remember that your mental health is important. Repeat it daily. Something like what I recommended, or pointed out, to my friend at the beginning of this article..

Busca Meaning and Purpose: Focus on finding meaning and purpose in your life. This will help you feel more connected to your work and personal life, and reduce stress. And if you don't get it...well, fuck it...it DOESN'T HAPPEN NADA...asíNOTHING...it's as simple as that...¡ 

As Master Bruce Lee used to say:

"If you put water in a glass, it becomes a glass; if you put it in a bottle, it becomes a bottle; if you put it in a cup, it becomes a cup. Water can flow or it can also destroy. Be like water, my friend".

So just be like the water...just adapt and flow....¡ 

Let me know your experiences on the subject...share them with everyone, surely someone will find them helpful, a guide, a comfort...something like a virtual accompaniment from us...Greetings.

Watch the video First your Peace of Mind, Then Everything Else

from channel: Increasing My Self-Esteem


Video Wim Hof Breathing with Meditation, Kuji Kiri and Mantras: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5x_XA6dZ6g 

Dr. José Javier Leal