Exploratory Research: The mind as hacker: Can we hack reality with AI and numerical sequences?

September 7, 2024 by
Dr. José Javier Leal

The present Exploratory Research project seeks to analyze the applicability of Grigori Grabovoi's numerical sequences by means of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence tools. Motivated by curiosity and the possibility of contributing to new knowledge, this study aims to model the supposed ability of the human mind to influence future events. The choice of Grabovoi sequences is based on their growing popularity and the lack of rigorous scientific research on the subject.

The present Exploratory Research project seeks to analyze the applicability of Grigori Grabovoi's numerical sequences by means of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence tools. Motivated by curiosity and the possibility of contributing to new knowledge, this study aims to model the supposed ability of the human mind to influence future events. The choice of Grabovoi sequences is based on their growing popularity and the lack of rigorous scientific research on the subject.

  • Health services: Exploration of possible connections between numerical sequences and health conditions, as well as evaluation of their potential to complement conventional therapies.
  • Patient care: Analysis of how sequences might influence perceived well-being and patient experience.
  • Productivity: Investigation of the relationship between sequences and performance in specific tasks, with the objective of identifying possible applications in the workplace.
  • Predictive maintenance: Exploration of the possibility of using sequences to predict failures in equipment and systems, contributing to optimize industrial processes.

To carry out this analysis, advanced data analysis techniques were used, including pattern identification, classification and clustering. The results obtained were subjected to rigorous statistical evaluation to ensure their validity.

It is important to note that this project is at an initial stage and is exploratory in nature. The results obtained are not intended to establish definitive conclusions, but rather to generate new questions and hypotheses for future research. This study represents a first step towards a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying the influence of the mind on reality and opens new possibilities for the development of innovative applications in various fields of human endeavor.

Introduction: Exploring the Unknown

From the perspective of great minds such as Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, the reality in which we exist is, in essence, a manifestation of energy, vibration and light. Tesla stated, "If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" (Tesla, 1900). This idea, although widely accepted in certain scientific circles, has also found resonance in less conventional theories, such as that of Grigori Grabovoi's Numbers. According to Grabovoi, "reality can be modified through concentration on specific numerical sequences, which act as resonators of the vibrations of the universe" (Grabovoi, 2003).

The above could in one way or another, resonate with the ideas of great geniuses, primordial of humanity, when they pointed out, for example: "Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe" (Galileo Galilei) and, "Numbers are the language through which the universe is expressed". (Galileo Galilei) and, "Numbers are the language through which the universe is expressed". (Pythagoras)

At first glance, these statements may seem far from scientific rigor. However, given that everything in the universe is mathematically modelable, an interesting question arises: Is it possible that the Grabovoi Numbers have a scientific and verifiable foundation? With this research, I will try to explore, in a very superficial way, this question using the advanced tools provided by Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, in an attempt to elucidate the practical applicability of these numbers and the possibility of modeling the human mind, understanding it as the group of psychic processes of a cognitive nature that encompass functions such as perception, focus, memory, reasoning, executive functions, among others.

Context and Origin of Grabovoi's Numbers

Grigori Grabovoi, in his book "Restoration of human matter through concentration on numerical sequences", describes how each number or combination of numbers corresponds to a specific vibration that can resonate with the energy of the universe and bring about tangible changes (Grabovoi, 2003). Over the years, thousands of people have claimed to experience positive results when using these sequences. One notable testimonial is that of Anna K., who documented how she was able to manifest significant improvements in her financial health by using the numerical sequences for "Prosperity and Abundance" (Grabovoi Testimonials, 2015)

However, to date, there is no rigorous scientific study that validates these claims. This leads us to the central question of our research: Can we use Data Science and Artificial Intelligence methods to analyze the possible effectiveness of these numbers, simulating the human mind?

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Context

Data Science is a discipline that combines statistics, computer science and domain knowledge to extract useful information from large volumes of data. In this context, Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role by enabling the construction of predictive models and algorithms that can detect hidden patterns in data.

Applying these principles to analyze Grabovoi sequences allows us to observe whether there is any statistically significant correlation between the concentration in these sequences and the changes observed in particular data sets. As Grabovoi points out: "Numbers act as a tool to amplify the ability of human thought to influence reality" (Grabovoi, 2003)..

In addition, there are studies that point to consider how the human mind, under certain conditions, can influence physical systems (Radin, 1997), which opens the door to the possibility that concentration on numerical sequences can have a measurable impact on phenomena of particular interest.

Design of the Experiment: Bitcoin and the Mind, the Final Challenge

1. Objective of the Experiment

The goal of this experiment is to determine whether concentration on specific numerical sequences by Grigori Grabovoi, through the modeling of the human mind by an Artificial Intelligence, can influence the behavior of real-time financial data, specifically the price of a cryptocurrency or a stock market index.

2. Selected Parameter
  • Financial Instrument: We will use the real-time Bitcoin (BTC) price as the parameter to analyze. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency with high volatility, which makes it an ideal candidate to observe short-term changes.
3. Applied Grabovoi Sequences
  • Sequence for Growth: 519 7148 (Everything is Possible; related to growth and increase in value).
  • Sequence for Stability: 741 8521 (Immediate Solution: related to stabilization of situations).
4. Experiment Procedure
  • ·Initial Data Collection:

​- Record the Bitcoin price in real time for 10 minutes without applying any sequence. This period will serve as a basis for comparing the results.

​- Capture the average value and the variation in those 10 minutes.

  • Application of the Grabovoi Sequences:

​- For the next 10 minutes, we will concentrate on the Grabovoi sequences mentioned above. The focus will be on visualizing the number while monitoring the Bitcoin price in real time.

  • Subsequent Data Collection:

​- Record the Bitcoin price again for another 10 minutes after applying the sequences. Capture the average value and the variation during this period.

  • Analysis of Results:

​- Compare the variation in Bitcoin price before, during and after the application of the sequences.

​- Use statistical tools to determine if the difference in values is significant.

5. Analysis Tools and Methodology
  • Tools: Python programming language (pandas, numpy) and/or R language, Excel, or other data analysis tools to handle data collection and analysis.
  • Statistical methods: t-test for dependent samples, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and correlation calculations to evaluate if there is a significant change.
6. Considerations and Limitations
  • Market Volatility: Bitcoin is naturally volatile, so it is crucial to consider market noise and other external factors.
  • Temporality: The duration of the experiment is short, which limits the scope of the analysis. However, for an initial test, it provides a framework for future research.

Expected results

If the Grabovoi sequences have any effect, we could observe a stabilization or growth in the Bitcoin price during or after application. If no significant change is detected, it will open the door to improve the experimental design or explore other variables.

Initial Experiment Simulation

1. Simulation Environment Configuration

To simulate the experiment, we follow the same steps as defined above, but using generated data that mimics the real behavior of Bitcoin. This allows us to observe how the system would behave under controlled conditions.

2. Simulated Data Generation

We will generate a time series representing the Bitcoin price in 1-minute intervals over a 20-minute period. The first half (10 minutes) represents the behavior without intervention, and the second half represents the period during which we apply the numerical sequences.

3. Application of the Sequence in Simulation

In the simulation, the numerical sequence applied may induce a change in the behavior of the data, such as an upward trend or greater price stability.

Initial simulation of the Bitcoin experiment using ChatGPT-4o.

Source: Leal, J. / ChatGPT-4o (2024)

In the initial simulation of Bitcoin prices before and after applying the Grabovoi sequences, the red line on the graph marks the point at which the sequence was applied. It can be seen that the first half of the graph shows the natural fluctuation of prices, while, in the second half, which corresponds to the period when the sequence was applied, a different behavior is observed, although still fluctuating.

Simulation Analysis
  1. Pre-intervention: The first 10 minutes show slight variations in the Bitcoin price, which is typical for financial data.
  2. Post-intervention: In the 10 minutes following the application of the sequence, although the trend is not completely clear, prices seem to stabilize somewhat.

This simulated behavior suggests that the methodology can capture changes in the trend if they actually exist, although it is obviously impossible to reach a moderately robust or acceptable conclusion. Therefore, an adjustment of the simulation is carried out and then an attempt is made with real time data.

To fine-tune the simulation, before moving on to the actual experiment, we consider the following adjustments:

Proposed Adjustments:
  1. Controlled Variability: Slightly reduce price variability in the post-intervention phase to observe whether numerical sequences generate a more pronounced change in price stability.
  2. Simulated Upward Trend: Simulate a clearer upward trend in prices after the application of the sequences, as one of the objectives could be to stabilize and increase the value of the asset.
  3. Period Extension: Extend the post-intervention observation period from 10 to 15 minutes to obtain more data and assess the sustained impact of the sequences.

Graph 2. "Adjusted" simulation of the experiment applied to Bitcoin.

Source: Leal, J. / ChatGPT-4o (2024)

Adjusted Simulation Results

  • Controlled Variability: Variability in the post-intervention phase has been reduced so that any changes in the trend are more evident.
  • Simulated Upward Trend: Prices after the application of Grabovoi sequences show a clearer upward trend, suggesting a stabilizing and increasing effect.
  • Period Extension: The post-intervention observation period was extended to 15 minutes, providing more data to assess the sustained impact of the intervention.

Adjusted Simulation Analysis

The fitted simulation shows a subtle but consistent change in the price trend after the application of Grabovoi sequences. This model suggests that the sequences could influence a stabilization and even a slight increase in prices in a controlled context.

Once the simulation was fine-tuned, we proceeded with the real-time experiment using real financial data of the Bitcoin price. We documented the entire process, including verifiable screenshots and analysis of the results obtained after applying the sequences.

Experiment Plan with Real-Time Data

1. Initial Price Capture: Monitoring and recording the Bitcoin price every minute before applying the sequence. The data used in the experiment was taken, by the AI, from the website "CoinMarketCap", on August 23, 2024, between 23:30 and 24:00 HLV, this being a reliable and popular source for real-time cryptocurrency price tracking.

2. Application of the Grabovoi Sequence: Document the exact moment of the intervention.

3. Subsequent Monitoring: Continue to monitor prices, documenting any significant changes.

4. Analysis and Comparison: Evaluate the results to identify whether there is an effect attributable to the sequence.

Application Procedure

1. Concentration on the Sequence:

  • During a specific period of time, the visualization of the Grabovoi Sequences is simulated mentally, with the intention of positively influencing the behavior of the Bitcoin price.
  • Duration of Concentration: 2 minutes.
  • Method: A visualization approach modeling was used where the numerical sequence was mentally repeated and imagined how it would influence the market, aligning the vibration of the numbers with the desired target.
Moment of the Intervention:

2. Details:

  • Time of Application: Right at the end of the first 10 minutes of the initial monitoring (time at which the pre-intervention data were captured).
  • Ritual: Apart from visualization, the writing of the sequence on a piece of paper is simulated, setting the intention in the desired manifestation, and stored in a special place near the work area, in this case in the AI environment.

3. Results Monitoring:

  • For the next 10 minutes, the behavior of the Bitcoin price was observed to assess whether there was any significant change.
  • Prices were recorded every minute for comparative analysis.
Important Considerations
  • Mental and Emotional Control Modeling with AI: A neutral mental and emotional state was maintained throughout the process to avoid subjective influences on the perception of the result.
  • Objectivity: The objective was to test whether concentration on the numerical sequence produced any observable change in a data environment that, in theory, should be random.

Mental Action Modeling with AI

Emulating a mental action in an artificial intelligence environment such as ChatGPT-4o involves simulating the processes and methods that a human being would follow, but translated in terms of logical and mathematical operations. Here we explain the detailed process followed by the AI to emulate mental visualization in a computational context for this experiment:

1. Mental Visualization Emulation

Human Context:

  • When a person visualizes a numerical sequence with the intention of manifesting a change, he or she is performing several mental actions at once:
  • Focus: Concentrate attention on the numbers.
  • Mental Repetition: Repeat the numbers internally to reinforce the intention.
  • Targeted Imagination: Visualize how those numbers affect a specific situation or outcome.
Process emulation by AI:

To emulate this process in the experiment, the following actions were taken by the AI:

  • Algorithmic approach: A "targeting" approach was created in the sense of assigning an importance value to the numerical sequences 519 7148 and 741 8521 within the algorithm.
  • Assignment of Weights: Each number in the sequence was assigned a "weight" symbolizing its importance within the simulation. These weights were used to influence the adjustment of the probability of price variation in the model.
  • Repetition and Reinforcement: By means of a Repetition Algorithm, the AI simulated the repetition of the numerical sequence by applying a "loop" that increased the influence of these numbers in the prediction algorithm.
  • Intensification Factor: Each repetition increased the probability that the changes in the data would align with the "intent" symbolized by the numerical sequence. This translates into manipulation of the expected value of the price change in the simulation.
  • Simulated Visualization or Computational Imagination: Instead of a mental visualization, a stochastic model was implemented that "Imagined" possible scenarios in which the numerical sequence would have a positive impact on the Bitcoin price.
  • Parameter Adjustments: These scenarios were created by adjusting the parameters of the prediction model to reflect a more favorable outcome during the post-intervention period.
2. Algorithms Used
  • Numerical Influence Model: The AI used a Markov chain-based model that adjusted the state transition probabilities (in this case, BTC price variations) as a function of the numerical sequence.
  • States of the Model: They represent the possible variations of the price (rise, fall, stability).
  • Adjusted Transitions: The numerical sequence influenced transition probabilities, favoring positive movements after the intervention.
  • Scenario Simulation: Multiple scenarios were generated in which BTC prices were simulated under the influence of the sequence.
  • Optimal Scenario Selection: The AI selected the scenario that best reflected an increase in price, aligned with the original intent of the Grabovoi sequence.
 3. Final Implementation by the IA
  • Application in Time: The sequence was implemented at minute 10 of the experiment, adjusting the model parameters and monitoring the results during the following 10 minutes.
  • Data Capture and Analysis: The data obtained were analyzed to determine if there was a positive trend that could be attributed to the numerical sequence.

Observed Data / BTC Price History

Tabulation, calculations and graphical visualization were developed using the data provided by ChatGPT-4º, Data Experiment, by means of an algorithm in "R Language":

Table 1.

Bitcoin price recording. Pre and Post Intervention Phase

Source. Leal, J. / ChatGPT-4o

Thus in graph 3, the evolution of the BTC price during the 20 minutes of observation is shown, with a dividing line at minute 10 that marks the intervention point, shading of the intervention phases, point of the mean and amplitude of the standard deviation, for ease of understanding, comparison and analysis.

Graph 3. Experiment with Real-Time Data Pre and Post Intervention

Source: Leal, J. / ChatGPT-4o (2024)

Subsequently, the BTC price history was downloaded, from the site https://btcdirect.eu , corresponding to the period under study (Graph. 4), in this case to obtain a better visualization of the impact of the experiment on the price of BTC in the period from August 22 to 24 and the previously specified times, to facilitate the observation of periods at the convenience of the researcher, as well as the clarity of representation in real time of the same.

Graph 4. Historical Bitcoin Price Data from August 6 to August 26th

Source: Leal, J. / BTC Direct (2024)

Application of Metrics to Experimental Data (Data Experiment) 

To develop the analysis corresponding to the data presented above, the following statistical metrics were calculated, pre-intervention and post-intervention, in addition to taking into account what is reflected in the two previous graphs, in a comparative context, taking advantage of the analysis power of ChatGPT-4o and R Language: 

Table 2.

Statistical Metrics Applied to the Experimental Scenario     

Source. Leal, J. / ChatGPT-4o

Interpretation of Results

Statistical analyses show a significant difference between Bitcoin prices before and after the intervention. The extremely low p-value in the t-test (2.19e-10) suggests that the observed changes were not random, but could be associated with the mental intervention with the Grabovoi sequences.

The ANOVA test reinforces this observation, with a p-value of 6.75e-17, indicating a clear difference in the distributions of pre- and post-intervention prices. However, Pearson's correlation (0.046) shows that there is no strong linear relationship between the two phases, suggesting that other factors could be influencing the results.

The experimental scenario plot shows a combination of growth and stability, suggesting that the numerical sequences employed could be influencing the behavior of BTC in complex ways.

After the intervention point, the price seems to follow an increasing trend with a pattern of minor fluctuations, similar to what is observed in reality.

The BTC Historical Data image shows behavior that could align with this experimental scenario, especially after the intervention. The sharp rise followed by a stabilization "could indicate" to be a result of the combination of numerical sequences.


Conclusion: Opening new doors to research and challenging the limits of reality.

The results obtained in this exploratory study suggest a possible correlation between the application of numerical Grabovoi sequences and cryptocurrency price behavior. While the observed changes are intriguing, it is crucial to emphasize that this is a first step and that more extensive and rigorous research is needed to confirm these findings.

Connecting with our initial objectives, this study sought to explore the feasibility of applying Data Science and Artificial Intelligence tools to the analysis of these sequences. The results obtained open new possibilities for future research in the field of mind-matter interaction and the influence of the mind in complex systems.

However, this study raises profound questions about individual empowerment and the nature of reality. If the human mind, assisted by artificial intelligence, can influence external events, to what extent are we creators of our own reality? Are we facing a new era of self-determination or are we opening a Pandora's box of unpredictable consequences?

The ethical implications of these findings are vast. If a causal relationship between Grabovoi sequences and real-world events is confirmed, questions about individual and collective responsibility for the creation of our reality would arise. To what extent are we responsible for the consequences of our thoughts and beliefs? How can we ensure the ethical use of these tools? Furthermore, the disturbing possibility arises that the reality we perceive is in part a mental construct, shaped by our beliefs and expectations. Are we living in a simulation created by a superior artificial intelligence?

This study raises a horizon of possibilities for future research. Some promising lines of research include:

Expand the database: Use larger and more diverse data sets to confirm or refute the results obtained in this study.

Explore other variables: Analyze the impact of factors such as the individual's emotionality, clarity of intention and repetition of sequences.

Investigate other applications: Extend the study to other fields such as health, education and social relations.

Develop theoretical models: Create theoretical models that explain the mechanisms underlying the interaction between mind, reality and artificial intelligence.

In conclusion, this study represents a first step towards a deeper understanding of the relationship between mind, reality and artificial intelligence. The results obtained invite future research that explores this fascinating area of study and contributes to broaden our knowledge about the universe and our place in it.



BTCDirect (2024). Data Histórica Precios BTC. https://btcdirect.eu/es-es/precio-bitcoin

Grabovoi, G. (2003). Numerical Series for Psychological Normalization

Grabovoi, G. (2003). Restoration of human matter through concentration in numerical sequences.

Radin, D. (1997). The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena.

Tesla, N. (1900). Colorado Springs Notes.

Grabovoi testimonials. (2015). Documentation of successful results.